This is my grandmother's old recipe for a delicious turkey roasted in lemon, orange, and tangerine juice, and stuffed with meat, roasted chestnuts, and...
Chicken carnitas made in the pressure cooker are quick and easy! We crisp them up in the broiler, and they are perfect to meal-prep and enjoy for the week!...
If you can't find daikon radishes, use a bunch of small red radishes when in season. I love this stir-fry because you can add any veggies you like, including...
Saltimbocca is a traditional dish from northern Italy with veal cutlets, prosciutto, and sage - a perfect light meal that is very easy and quick to make....
These lasagna rolls are the ideal first course for a Sunday lunch or a dinner party. Stuffed with ricotta and spinach and served with a simple fresh sauce,...
This is a large, creme-caramel-like version of the classic Brazilian chocolate bonbon known as brigadeiro. This recipe is super easy and fast because it's...
My wife and I came up with this recipe on a whim. It has since become one of our family's favorite recipes. I feel I must warn you though, once you make...
An easy vegetarian curry which can be tweaked to suit your personal tastes regarding spice and heat. I used green peppers, but you can experiment with...
This is a simple mix for tasty and slightly spicy turkey burgers. Great meal with fries and a green salad. Easy to prep ahead of time. Fast weeknight meal....
These kabobs with Persian rice are so simple to make, yet taste simply amazing with both chicken and beef, especially with traditional mast-o-khiar (yogurt...
A Lebanese dessert that is not overly sweet. It is pleasing to the American palate due to its lack of rose water and orange blossom essence, found in most...
This recipe was given to me by my boss, who is Asian. It has been passed through generations of her family so as you can imagine it is the real deal. Very...
Time consuming, but worth it. This is a recipe my mom only makes for holidays or when her kids come home to visit. The sauce is better if you make it the...
I threw this recipe together using a slow cooker and flavors my Cuban stepfather always cooked with. It's easy and full flavored. Pairs great with rice...
This is the best bulgoki recipe I've come up with--adapted from a few different ones. It is very forgiving and you can adjust sweetness and spiciness as...
I recently came across my maternal Grandma's recipe book, printed in 1933. In it, I came across a piece of paper, placed between two pages, containing...
This recipe takes time but is pretty easy to put together and serve. A dish full of flavor, color, and texture and as close to Mexican as I know how to...
Cantucci are typical Tuscan cookies, traditionally served with vin santo or red wine. They are also known as Italian biscotti because they are twice (bis)...
For this tasty Italian specialty, the dough is prepared in the bread machine, and then it's filled with Italian sausage, pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese....
This recipe is one of my family's favorites. It can be made in advance and then reheated, or you can make the different components ahead of time and then...
This is a simple recipe that my family loves. I passed it along to my mom several years ago and she loves it as well. I sometimes add in a can of green...
These wings are delicious after being brined and marinated, then baked and broiled. After putting chicken in the bag with the brine, I store in the refrigerator...
These are by far the best sandwiches to serve your guests and yourself! The ingredients are fresh, delicious, popular and fills your mouth with marinated...
This recipe is a family favorite that is sweet and spicy! The taste is a welcome change from the everyday chicken dish. The longer you marinate, the better...
In Andhra they call this upma 'Bombay rava' upma. It is extremely soft and spongy in texture. When I was a kid, I loved eating this upma as balls rolled...
This is a basic, yet interchangeable, meal-in-one! Tender bite-sized pieces of chicken tossed with angel hair pasta in a mouthwatering soy/garlic sauce!...
Nice change to eat at a barbecue. Crispy seasoned sausages with a nice flavor. Eat in a pita with chopped tomato, parsley, onion, cucumber, and tahini....
A vegetarian take on a classic Mexican dish. These delicious flautas are baked until crispy using cooking spray instead of vegetable oil to "fry" the tortillas....
When you're looking for something completely different to use up those turkey leftovers, this could be it! A tender, eggy pasta-like crepe enfolds the...
Great dish for Mexican night with lots of different possibilities. The best thing about this recipe is it can be served by itself for a main dish on Mexican...
This has got to be one of my favorite dishes I've made. Inspired by a Thai restaurant in Renton, WA called Sing Tong Thai, I decided to make my own version...